Check Guarantee

Add Check guarantee to your portfolio of services and get peace of mind, knowing that you’ll cut down on bad checks.

Our system lets you identify serial bad check writers, and electronically debit check payments directly from your customer’s accounts without a trip to the bank.

The Magtek Mini MICR Check Scanner makes it quick and easy to validate and process check payments.

Yes Merchant Services USA Check Guarantee Processing


Electronic Check Processing

The old adage “time is money” has never been more relevant. Our check services will reduce processing time and put revenue in your hands (while reducing fraud and insufficient funds problems) so you can spend your time in more valuable things – like customers!


    • Swipe check thru check reader, swipe/enter DL #, and sale amount
    • After check approval, duplicate receipts print.  Checkwriter signs both receipts; one to merchant, one to checkwriter
    • Stamp “ACH Processed” on the check and give it back to the customer with a receipt
    • Guaranteed payment – you will never be responsible for NSF checks
    • Funds are deposited into your account just like a credit card transaction – with a rate less than credit card transactions!
    • EQUIPMENT: Verifone terminal with the MagTek Mini MICR Check Reader for Check Guarantee